Welcome to the home page of
Jos van Geffen
Contents of this page:
Pictures | 
About my work | 
Other things | 
Citations | 
What's new on my WWW pages?
- last change: 2 February 2025
Nice pictures
Here are some nice pictures I took myself:
I'm very fond of my pets (ca. 32 kb)
and of cats (ca. 13 kb).
Here are
some of the pictures I found on Internet
(35 kb).
About my work
- Atmospheric scientist in De Bilt,
June 2011 - present
Assisting in the development of methods for
the composition of the Earth's atmosphere using satellite data,
notably development of the NO2 retrieval algorithm for
instruments OMI and TROPOMI.
- Guest teacher at after-school care
[Dutch: Gastdocent naschoolse opvang],
July 2010 - Jan. 2011
Volunteer for the project "Cool! Climate After School", which intends
to introduce sustainable energy and climate change to children
-- info in English |
info in Nederlands.
- Atmospheric scientist in Brussels,
June 2004 - Nov. 2009
Assisting in the development of methods for
the composition of the Earth's atmosphere using satellite data,
notably monitoring emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) from
- Atmospheric scientist in De Bilt,
March 1999 - March 2004
Assisting in the development of methods for
the composition of the Earth's atmosphere using satellite data,
notably the distribution of ozone and other trace gases, and
the UV radiation reaching the surface (UV index).
- Research scientist in Dundee,
June 1996 - May 1998
A research dealing with numerically and experimentally
of Meddy-topography interactions,
where the numerical work is again done with a Finite Difference
- Research scientist in Eindhoven,
Sept. 1993 - March 1996
A research concerning
simulations of 2D vortex evolution with a Finite Difference Method
which I developed and extended.
- Ph.D. thesis research in Utrecht,
June 1988 - Jan. 1993
A numerical investigation of some aspects of the Sun's magnetic field,
leading to a thesis called
energy balance and period stability of the solar dynamo.
List of my publications
My other contributions to the WWW
===> Some
statistics, namely:
number of HTML files on my Web site
What's new on my WWW pages?
- last change: 10 March 2018
I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death
your right to say it.
This quote -- often incorrectly credited to
Voltaire (1694-1778)
-- originates from "The Friends of Voltaire" (1906) by
Evelyn Beatrice
Hall, summing up Voltaire's beliefs.
In my opinion this applies to any and every aspect of life,
whether political, economical, social or religious.
And I think that only when every individual can truthfully
say these words, the world can be a better place: open, democratic and
Here is another citation, that does not contradict the previous, nor
is it an excuse of any form:
Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto
I am a human being, so nothing human is strange to me
Terentius (ca. 190 - 160 B.C.)
===> I am collecting
translations of this in as many languages as possible
Jos van Geffen --
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===> How to pronounce my name
All my Web pages satisfy the
standard, they are
and they satisfy the "luminosity contrast ratio" of the
at level 3
-- see this page for some notes.
created: 13 October 1994
last modified: 2 February 2025