TEMIS UV product validation using NILU-UV ground-based measurements
in Thessaloniki, Greece
Zempila, M.M., Van Geffen, J.H.G.M., Taylor, M., Fountoulakis, I.,
Koukouli, M.E., Van Weele, M., Van der A, R.J., Bais, A., Meleti, C. and
Balis, D.: 2017,
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 7157-7174.
doi: 10.5194/acp-17-7157-2017
This study aims to cross-validate ground-based and satellite-based models
of three photobiological UV effective dose products: the Commission
Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE) erythemal UV, the production of
vitamin D in the skin, and DNA damage, using high-temporal-resolution
surface-based measurements of solar UV spectral irradiances from a synergy
of instruments and models. The satellite-based Tropospheric Emission
Monitoring Internet Service (TEMIS; version 1.4) UV daily dose data
products were evaluated over the period 2009 to 2014 with ground-based data
from a Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning (NILU)-UV multifilter radiometer
located at the northern midlatitude super-site of the Laboratory of
Atmospheric Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (LAP/AUTh), in
Greece. For the NILU-UV effective dose rates retrieval algorithm, a neural
network (NN) was trained to learn the nonlinear functional relation between
NILU-UV irradiances and collocated Brewer-based photobiological effective
dose products. Then the algorithm was subjected to sensitivity analysis
and validation. The correlation of the NN estimates with target outputs
was high (r=0.988 to 0.990) and with a very low bias (0.000 to 0.011
in absolute units) proving the robustness of the NN algorithm. For further
evaluation of the NILU NN-derived products, retrievals of the
vitamin D and DNA-damage effective doses from a collocated Yankee
Environmental Systems (YES) UVB-1 pyranometer were used. For cloud-free
days, differences in the derived UV doses are better than 2 % for all
UV dose products, revealing the reference quality of the ground-based UV
doses at Thessaloniki from the NILU-UV NN retrievals. The TEMIS UV doses
used in this study are derived from ozone measurements by the
SCIAMACHY/Envisat and GOME2/MetOp-A satellite instruments, over the
European domain in combination with SEVIRI/Meteosat-based diurnal cycle of
the cloud cover fraction per 0.5°×0.5° (lat×long) grid
cells. TEMIS UV doses were found to be 12.5 % higher than the NILU NN
estimates but, despite the presence of a visually apparent seasonal
pattern, the R² values were found to be robustly high and
equal to 0.92-0.93 for 1588 all-sky coincidences. These results
significantly improve when limiting the dataset to cloud-free days with
differences of 0.57 % for the erythemal doses, 1.22 % for the
vitamin D doses, and 1.18 % for the DNA-damage doses, with standard
deviations of the order of 11-13 %. The improvement of the
comparative statistics under cloud-free cases further testifies to the
importance of the appropriate consideration of the contribution of clouds
in the UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface. For the urban area of
Thessaloniki, with highly variable aerosol, the weakness of the implicit
aerosol information introduced to the TEMIS UV dose algorithm was revealed
by comparison of the datasets to aerosol optical depths at 340 nm as
reported by a collocated CIMEL sun photometer, operating in Thessaloniki at
LAP/AUTh as part of the NASA Aerosol Robotic Network.
1 Introduction
2 TEMIS satellite-based UV data products
2.1 Operational services
2.2 Products and algorithms
3 Ground-based data products
3.1 Instruments at Thessaloniki
3.2 Products and algorithms
3.2.1 Effective UV dose from the Brewer spectrophotometer
3.2.2 Effective UV dose from NILU-UV irradiances using a
neural network model
3.2.3 Effective UV dose from the UVB-1 radiometer
3.3 Comparison of the NILU-UV and UVB-1 data products
4 Evaluation of TEMIS statellite-based UV products with NILU-UV
data products
5 Discussion and conclusions
Appendix A Neural network input-output theory
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created: 18 June 2017
last modified: 19 August 2020