Christophe Lerot, Michel Van Roozendael, Jos van Geffen,
Jeroen van Gent, Caroline Fayt, Robert Spurr
in: Proceedings of the 2007 ENVISAT Symposium, 23--27 April 2007
Montreux, Switzerland, ESA publication SP-636 (CD-ROM).
We use the Direct Fitting part of the GODFIT software to investigate these total ozone retrieval issues in the polar regions. Sensitivity tests show the influence on the ozone columns of key input parameters such as cloud parameters (FRESCO or OCRA-ROCINN), O3 climatology (TOMS v8 or DOC), surface albedo, and temperature profile data bases. The two SAUNA campaigns in Sodankylä (67° N, 26° E) provide good opportunities to validate our algorithm in polar regions. Based on these results, one expects a consolidation of the retrieved GOME and SCIAMACHY O3 columns in polar regions, even at high solar zenith angle.
Abstract 1. Introduction 2. The GODFIT algorithm 3. The ozone cross-sections 4. Sensitivity tests 4.1 Temperature profile 4.2 O3 profile climatology 4.3 Cloud algorithm 4.4 Surface albedo 5. Conclusions Acknowledgments ReferencesPDF file of the paper (6 pages; 472 kB)
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