Initialisation Vorticity: zero Tracers: single tracer point at the centre of the domain Computation: domain: X = (-3, ..., 3), Y = (-3, ..., 3) no. of grid points from wall to wall: (129, 129) boundary conditions: uniform flow in the x-direction of velocity 1.67 [psi_top=2, psi_bottom=1] standard Arakawa scheme used rotation effects: f0 = +3. beta = 0, gamma = 0 bottom topography: circular mountain at the origin with a half cosine profile. max. height h_max = 0.4, radius R = 1.0 solver for streamfunction: NAG viscosity: nu = 10^-3 (i.e. Re=1000 at T=0) time step: dt = 0.05 final time: T = 5
<=== Uniform flow across a mountain
Jos van Geffen --
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