Example of the general output file from 'nsevol'

This is the top and bottom part of the "general data file" generated by 'nsevol' from the example input file.

                                                             | 08-Apr-98
 Input Parameters:

 Domain:   X1 =  -3.0 ...  3.0     X2 =  -3.0 ...  3.0
 Number of grid points:  N1 =  129   N2 =  129
 A uniform flow in the X1 direction is imposed;
     PSI values at the bottom and top wall: 0.1000E+01  0.2000E+01
     meaning a velocity in X1 direction of: 0.1667E+00
 No rotation effects included (Coriolis parameter f=0)
 No topographic effects included (fluid depth D=1)
 Streamfunction solved using FACR routine
 Standard Arakawa's coefficients used: a1=a2=a3=1/3
 Reynolds number RE = 1/viscosity = 0.1000E+04
 Some quantities also within a "reference circle", with:
     centre is max. of vorticity; fixed radius: 0.1600E+01
 Information on quantities printed every    1 time steps
 Calculation done with constant time step DT =  0.0500
 Calculation stops when T > 0.8000E+02
     or no. of time steps >   100

 Initial vorticity distribution:
   1: a single sign Bessel monopole, with:              
      centre coordinates X1,X2: 0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00
      strength and initial angle (deg.): 0.4000E+01    0.0
      elliptical form; axis in X1,X2: 0.1500E+01 0.1000E+01
      maximum absolute vorticity: 0.2048E+01

 Initial tracer distribution:
  5 R: 100 tracers uniformly distributed along a line, with:           
        elliptic form; axis in X1,X2: 0.1500E+01 0.1000E+01
        centre coordinates X1,X2: 0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00
  0 R:  80 tracers uniformly distributed along a straight line, with:  
        begin point X1,X2: 0.0000E+00  -.2000E+01
          end point X1,X2: 0.0000E+00  0.2000E+01
  8  :   3 loose tracers points, at:                                   
        0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00  0.1000E+01,0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00,0.5000E+00
    R = tracers will be redistributed using cubic spline


 Time evolution of quantities is written to mn123.det and mn123.rel
 Time evolution of tracers and related quantities is written to .tr* files;
    see trcrs/trcrinfo for info

 This file, mn123.gen, shows:

    N        T       X1-min     X2-min    Vort-min    Circ-pos   Energy   
         Cour.no.       max        max         max         neg   Enstrophy

     0  0.000E+00  -.1500E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00  0.4167E+01 0.2485E+01
        0.108E+01  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.2048E+01  -.4791E-18 0.2663E+01
 At T = 0.0000E+00 the field is written to  datrs/mn100000.dat
 At T = 0.0000E+00 the tracers are written to  datrs/mn100000.trs
     1  0.500E-01  -.1359E+01 0.4219E+00 -.7064E-02  0.4167E+01 0.2485E+01
        0.108E+01  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.2047E+01  -.3655E-03 0.2662E+01


   100  0.500E+01  -.2344E+00 -.9375E+00 -.1758E-01  0.4171E+01 0.2364E+01
        0.111E+01  0.7969E+00 0.1406E+00 0.2006E+01  -.3985E-02 0.2559E+01
 At T = 0.5000E+01 the field is written to  datrs/mn100100.dat
 At T = 0.5000E+01 the tracers are written to  datrs/mn100100.trs

 STOP at t = 0.5000E+01,   no. of time steps =   100

<=== Example input file for the program 'nsevol'.

<=== Numerical simulations of 2D vortex evolution with a Finite Difference Method.

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last modified: 26 May 2001